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| 04 de gennaio de 2021

Bitdefender, uno sguardo al panorama delle minacce informatiche per il 2021

Bitdefender sta già studiando ciò che accadrà l'anno prossimo e predisponendo le difese necessarie

| 23 de novembre de 2020

3 Fraud Defense Strategies to Address Coronavirus Scams

During every major holiday, global crisis, or national or global event, bad actors prey on a new crop of potential victims. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception to the rule, and despite a global recession, scams and phishing attacks are booming

| 05 de novembre de 2020

How Healthcare Can Combat Ryuk Ransomware

Ransomware poses a serious threat to clinical environments

| 26 de ottobre de 2020

Sealing the Patch Gap

Statistics show 60% of breaches that were related to vulnerabilities could have been prevented with the appropriate patch

| 25 de settembre de 2020

Gartner Report on Handling Challenges with TLS 1.3 and Passive Decryption

Many companies fear that this new, strong encryption standard will negatively impact their ability to monitor their own environments for security threats

| 04 de settembre de 2020

DNS Security in Healthcare: Paving the Way Toward Secure Health Infrastructure

In recent years, the pace of digitization in the healthcare sector has accelerated rapidly

| 28 de agosto de 2020

Protection of AutoDesk Inventor CAD Designs

Many companies in the manufacturing and engineering environment use AutoDesk Inventor in their processes, and in these designs, they include highly sensitive and confidential information for them

| 21 de agosto de 2020

3 Reasons to Add Digital Risk Protection (DRP) to Your Security Defenses

The threat landscape continues to evolve as digitization increases. In an attempt to keep pace, organizations are adding new software to their tech stack, but are they choosing the right solutions and approach to ensure their security?

| 17 de agosto de 2020

Garland Technology Announces New EdgeLens® Series of Innovative Inline Bypass TAPs

The EdgeLens is set to revolutionize the way modern networks secure the network's edge

| 14 de agosto de 2020

Ripple20 Vulnerabilities Could Impact Hundreds of Millions of Connected Devices

How to understand your exposure and mitigate your risks

| 10 de agosto de 2020

Which device will be your weakest link this year?

Malicious cyber actors continue to innovate at a rapid pace while the attack surface simultaneously expand. So what are the risks, where are they and what can you do about them?

| 24 de luglio de 2020

Protecting the three states of data

When it comes to protecting confidential information, we find that clients require different approaches or pose different protection needs

| 25 de giugno de 2020

SMBs overwhelmingly believe they are ready to deal with cybersecurity incidents

Few SMB are actually ready to deal with the aftermath of a cybersecurity incident, according to new research published by Infrascale.

| 19 de giugno de 2020

3 Challenges of Industry 4.0 and how to address them

A short guide on how to deal with common challenges faced by ICS asset owners in the modern manufacturing industry

| 11 de giugno de 2020

DNS attacks cost nearly $1 million each, increasingly impacting the cloud

Four out of five companies experienced a DNS attack, according to 2020 Global DNS Threat Report.

| 10 de giugno de 2020

Building A Zero Trust Visibility Architecture

The concept is a departure from perimeter-based cybersecurity as the focus shifts toward individual access

| 22 de maggio de 2020

Spain’s CCN publishes Thycotic best practice guides for Privilege Access Management

The guides published by the National Cryptologic Center (CCN) represent a definitive step to help Spanish Government agencies, protect information in privileged environments as well as comply with industry and government regulations.

| 23 de aprile de 2020

Protect Files in Teams and Slack

Microsoft Teams and Slack allow more real-time interaction, facilitating efficiency when teleworking.

| 31 de marzo de 2020

Privileged Access Management: The Great Cloud Migration

Thycotic has developed a step-by-step methodology that takes the fear and stress out of your PAM cloud migration

| 24 de febbraio de 2020

Banking on Security: Growing Risk of Malware Threatens Financial Sector

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take its toll on the economy, we recognize more clearly than ever that financial services are among a select group of critical economic services, and it is paramount that they remain secure and operational.