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Company: Netwrix

Solution:Technology to protect sensitive and business-critical data, regardless of where it is located

Founded: 2006

Locations: headquartered in Irvine (California, USA) and offices in Ohio and Londres 

CEO: Steve Dickson

Data breaches are the order of the day. Netwrix solutions can help uncover and reduce risks to sensitive data, proactively mitigating organisations' overexposure and quickly detecting any policy breaches and suspicious user behaviour.

Netwrix empowers information security and governance professionals to reclaim control over sensitive, regulated and business-critical data, regardless of where it resides. Over 10,000 organizations worldwide rely on Netwrix solutions to secure sensitive data, realize the full business value of enterprise content, pass compliance audits with less effort and expense, and increase the productivity of IT teams and knowledge workers.

Netwrix products

Netwrix Data Classification

Netwrix Data Classification solves your data-related challenges, such as mitigating the risk of data breaches, realizing the full value of your content, increasing employee productivity and passing compliance audits with less effort.

The solution enables customers to identify sensitive information and reduce their exposure to risk, whether the data is on-premise or in the cloud, by automatically quarantining critical or sensitive data stored in unsecured locations or accessed by large groups of users to minimise its exposure until you can make a thoughtful remediation decision.

Netwrix Auditor

More and more organizations, regardless of size or industry, are recognizing the value of conducting regular internal and external IT audits. The benefits are many: IT auditing can help you improve security, pass compliance audits and optimize IT operations. But all too often, the process is far more cumbersome and time-consuming than it needs to be. Netwrix Auditor provides a consolidated audit trail across a wide variety of IT systems, including Active Directory, Windows Server, Oracle Database and network devices.

Stealthbits Privileged Activity Manager

Traditional PAM providers have focused on controlling access to accounts and their passwords, not on the activities the administrator needs to perform. The result is an overabundance of privileged accounts and privileged access control groups with standing privileges to the resources they’re meant to secure, leading to minimal reduction of an organization’s attack surface. The overabundance of privilege accounts provide would-be attackers plenty of opportunity for lateral movement attacks.

With Stealthbits Privileged Activity Manager (SbPAM), organizations are empowered to reduce their risk footprint through a task-based approach to Privileged Access Management. SbPAM provides Administrators the exact level of privileges needed, exactly when they’re needed, for only as long as they’re needed, and returns the environment to a no-access-by-default state, immediately upon completion.

StealthDEFEND for Active Directory

very attacker is after the same two things; credentials and data. Once inside, attackers aim to discover your environment, find and compromise privileged credentials, and leverage those credentials to access, exfiltrate, or destroy data. StealthDEFEND is the only real-time threat detection and response solution purpose-built to protect these two common denominators in every breach scenario.


StealthINTERCEPT is able to detect and optionally prevent any change, authentication, or request against Active Directory in real-time and with surgical accuracy. From password complexity and restrictions to LDAP requests, low-level process injection to cross-tier authentications, objects, attributes, Group Policy, and DNS, StealthINTERCEPT combines cutting-edge technology and recommended best practices to answer the Who? What? Where? When? of Active Directory security.


StealthRECOVER captures the state of all AD objects, Group Policy Objects and DNS records on a scheduled basis, providing a complete record of all changes. When a rollback to a previous state is needed, full-text search functionality makes finding and restoring the exact information quick and easy.

Anixis Password Reset

ANIXIS Password Reset is a self-service password reset system that allows users to reset their own password without calling the help desk. APR can help your organization to reduce costs, improve security, and increase productivity. Users can reset and change their password or unlock their account from a phone, web browser, or the Windows Logon and Unlock screens. Users can identify themselves without a password by answering some questions, and optionally by entering a code that is sent to them by e-mail or SMS. APR can also integrate with Password Policy Enforcer to ensure that user passwords comply with your password policy.

Anixis Password Policy Enforcer

Password Policy Enforcer improves security by ensuring that users choose strong passwords. PPE checks new passwords for compliance with your password policy and immediately rejects non-compliant passwords. Password Policy Enforcer's configurable rules allow you to enforce almost any password policy imaginable. You can even create multiple password policies and assign them to individual users, groups, and Organizational Units.


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