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Company: Yubico

Solution: Security key that enables secure two-factor or multi-factor authentication without a password

Locations: Germany, Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Singapore and Sweden

Founders: Stina Ehrensvärd, CEO, and Jakob Ehrensvärd, CTO


Yubico was founded in Sweden 2007 with the mission to make secure login easy and available for everyone. In 2011, Stina, CEO & Founder, and Jakob, Chief Innovation Officer & Founder, moved to Silicon Valley to make the dream happen. In close collaboration with the leading internet companies and thought leaders we created native support for our security keys in the major online platforms and browsers, enabling a safer internet for billions of people. Their team is located in 11 countries, and their security keys, manufactured in Sweden and USA.

Yubico pioneered the design of the first one-time password authenticator to work with a simple touch and with no client software,  and we made it compatible with the open authentication standard OATH. We then further secured and simplified the PIV smart card standard by adding touch-to-sign and built-in attestation. And in close collaboration with Google and Microsoft, we co-created the FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) and FIDO2 open authentication standards. Our work has been contributed to open identity standards organizations W3C, IETF, FIDO Alliance and OpenID.

Yubico Products

YubiKey 5 Series

The YubiKey 5 Series eliminates account takeovers by providing strong phishing defense using multi-protocol capabilities that can secure legacy and modern systems. The series provides a range of authentication choices including strong two-factor, multi-factor and passwordless authentication, and seamless touch-to-sign.

  • Stops account takeovers
  • Multi-protocol support; FIDO2/WebAuthn, U2F, Smart card, OpenPGP, OTP

YubiKey Bio 

The YubiKey Bio is a hardware authenticator with support for fingerprint recognition.

  • Strong security with seamless passwordless login
  • Store multiple fingerprints; supports both biometric and PIN-based login
  • High security ROI due to reduced helpdesk calls

Serie Security Key

The Security Key by Yubico Series is comprised of a single key – the Security Key NFC – which combines hardware-based authentication, public key cryptography, and the U2F and FIDO2/WebAuthn protocols to eliminate account takeovers.

  • Works out of the box with Gmail, Facebook, and hundreds more
  • Supports FIDO2/WebAuthn, U2F
  • Waterproof and crush resistant
  • USB-A and NFC dual connectors on a single key

Serie YubiKey 5 FIPS

The YubiKey 5 FIPS certified security keys meet the highest level of assurance (AAL3) of the new NIST SP800-63B guidelines.

  • Suitable for government and regulated industries
  • Multi-protocol support; smart card, OTP, U2F, FIDO2/WebAuthn
  • USB-A, USB-C, Lightning, NFC

YubiHSM 2 and YubiHSM 2 FIPS

Game changing cryptographic protection for servers, applications and computing devices.

  • Enhanced protection for cryptographic keys
  • Rapid integration with hardware-backed security
  • Simplified deployment for organizations of all sizes
  • Available in FIPS and non-FIPS versions with same feature set



Latest Features


Videos Yubico


Security Key Series

Delivering security with FIDO2 and U2F


Protection for cryptographic keys with the hardware security module (HSM)

YubiKey 5 Series

Security key for two-factor, multi-factor and passwordless authentication

YubiKey Bio Series

The gold standard in biometric authentication

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