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Company: Akamai- Guardicore 

Solution: Software-based micro-segmentation technology

Founded: 2013

Locations: Boston (USA) and Tel Aviv (Israel)

CEO: Pavel Gurvich

Guardicore is the segmentation company disrupting the legacy firewall market. Our software only approach is decoupled from the physical network, providing a faster alternative to firewalls. Built for the agile enterprise, we offer greater security and visibility in the cloud, data-center and endpoint. Their mission goes beyond creating great technology. We continuously engage with our customers as a trusted partner, ensuring they maximize the value of their security investments beyond their original goals and expectations.

Guardicore’s software-only approach is decoupled from the physical network, providing you with a faster, more cost-effective alternative to firewalls. Built for the agile enterprise, you get greater security and visibility in the cloud, data-center, and endpoint.

Akamai-Guardicore products

Guardicore Centra Security Platform

Guardicore Centra uses software-based segmentation to help you achieve a higher level of security more quickly and easily, with no downtime. With Guardicore Centra you can

  • Reduce your attack surface: The Attack Surface Reduction Report is a simple, nearly zero-touch method for demonstrating the power segmentation will have on your unique network in four easy steps: data collection, data analysis, risk reduction explained and value visualization. 
  • Prevent lateral movement: Lateral movement typically starts with an infection or credential-based compromise of an initial data center or cloud node. From there, an attacker may employ various reconnaissance techniques to learn more about the networks, nodes, and applications surrounding the compromised resource. While many organizations continue to invest in legacy firewalls, today’s true security battleground is inside the firewall. Guardicore Centra provides a single, scalable platform with real-time threat detection and response capabilities, to detect lateral movement and minimize dwell time, through the entire cyber attack kill chain.
  • Secure critical IT assets: Organizations are taking advantage of digital transformation in their quest to boost agility and shrink infrastructure costs. However, this transformation often comes at a cost: a larger, more complex security attack surface. Guardicore Centra aims to provide a simpler, faster way to reduce attack surfaces and  prevent lateral movement in an IT environment via microsegmentation security policies.

The Guardicore Centra Security Platform is the leading microsegmentation security solution that delivers a simple and intuitive way to detect lateral movement, reduce the attack surface and detect and control breaches within east-west traffic. It provides deep visibility into application dependencies and flows and enforcement of network and individual process-level policies to isolate and segment critical applications and infrastructure.


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