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Company: Rapid7

Solution: Vulnerability detection, management and remediation technology, log management and processing (SIEM)

Locations: United States, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Australia

CEO: Corey E. Thomas

Rapid7 is advancing security with visibility, analytics, and automation delivered through our Insight cloud. Their solutions simplify the complex, allowing security teams to work more effectively with IT and development to reduce vulnerabilities, monitor for malicious behavior, investigate and shut down attacks, and automate routine tasks. Over 9,000 customers rely on Rapid7 technology, services, and research to improve security outcomes and securely advance their organizations. 

Rapid7 products


Rapid7 InsightVM

Vulnerability Managemente. Automatically assess and understand risk across your entire infrastructure. Key features: lightweight endpoint agent, live dashboards, real risk priorization, IT-integrated remediation projects, cloud and virtual infrastructure assessment, attack surface monitoring with project sonar, container security, integrated threat feeds, goals and SLAs, easy-to-use RESTful API, policy assessment, automation-assisted patching and automated containment. Download datasheet here

Rapid7 InsightIDR

Make better decisions across the incident detection and response lifecycle, faster. Key features: User behavior analytics, attacker behavior analytics, endpoint detection and visibility, network traffic analysis, centralized log management, visual investigation timeline, deception technology, file integrity monitoring (FIM) and automation. Download datasheet here

Rapid7 InsightAppSec

Dynamic application security testing. Automatically crawl and assess web applications to identify vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, XSS, and CSRF. Key features: the universal translator, 95+ attack types, attack replay, powerful reporting for compliance and remediation, cloud and on-premises scan engines and scan scheduling and blackouts. Download datasheet here

Rapid7 InsightConnect

Orchestration and automation to accelerate your teams and tools. Accelerate and streamline time-intensive processes—no code necessary. With 290+ plugins to connect your tools, and customizable workflow building blocks, you’ll free up your team to tackle other challenges, while still leveraging their expertise when it’s most critical. Here's how you'll do it: connect your tools, build automated workflows, utilize human decisions and improve operational efficiency. Download datasheet here



Rapid7 Metasploit Pro

Attackers are always developing new exploits and attack methods—Metasploit penetration testing software helps you use their own weapons against them. Utilizing an ever-growing database of exploits, you can safely simulate real-world attacks on your network to train your security team to spot and stop the real thing. Download datasheet here

Rapid7 Nexpose

Vulnerabilities pop up every day. You need constant intelligence to discover them, locate them, prioritize them for your business, and confirm your exposure has been reduced. Nexpose, Rapid7’s on-premises option for vulnerability management software, monitors exposures in real-time and adapts to new threats with fresh data, ensuring you can always act at the moment of impact. Download datasheet here

Rapid7 AppSpider

SPAs, APIs, mobile—the evolution of application technology is measured in months, not years. Is your web application security testing tool designed to keep up? AppSpider lets you collect all the information needed to test all the apps so that you aren’t left with gaping application risks. Their dynamic application security testing (DAST) solution crawls to the deepest, darkest corners of even the most modern and complex apps to effectively test for risk and get you the insight you need to remediate faster. With AppSpider on your side (or, rather, all of your sides), you’ll be able to scan all the apps today and always be ready for whatever comes next.


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