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Empresa: Okta

Solución: Gestión de Identidad y Acceso (IAM). Plataforma unificada para asegurar la identidad completa de las empresas.

Fundado: 2009

Empleados: + 2.000

Ubicaciones: EE. UU.: San Francisco (sede central norte), San José (sede central sur), Bellevue, Washington DC, Chicago. Toronto (Canadá), Londres (Reino Unido), Amsterdam (Países Bajos), París (Francia), München (Alemania), Estocolmo (Suecia) y Sydney (Australia). 

Director ejecutivo y cofundador: Todd McKinnon

Okta es el principal proveedor independiente de identidad para la empresa. Okta Identity Cloud permite a las organizaciones conectar de forma segura a las personas adecuadas con las tecnologías adecuadas en el momento adecuado. Con más de 6500 integraciones preconstruidas para aplicaciones y proveedores de infraestructura, los clientes de Okta pueden usar de manera fácil y segura las mejores tecnologías para su negocio. Más de 7950 organizaciones, incluida 20th Century Fox, confían en Okta para ayudar a proteger las identidades de su fuerza laboral y clientes.

Analyst firm Forrester Research has named Okta a Leader in Zero Trust Security. In its report, The Forrester Wave™: Zero Trust eXtended Ecosystem Platform Providers, Q4 2019, Okta earned the highest possible score across half of the evaluation criteria including “network security,” “people/workforce security,” “automation and orchestration,” “manageability and usability,” “ZTX vision and strategy,” “ZTX advocacy,” “customers investing in portfolio,” and “portfolio growth rate”.

Moving to the cloud can take years and exposes organizations to new challenges and threats. Okta helps organizations secure and expedite IT transformation. Through a single control plane, flexible security policies and IT automation, Okta provides organizations of all sizes with the tools to secure and automate cloud journeys, with full support for hybrid environments along the way.

Why CIOs choose Okta?

Watch this video.

Okta products

Okta platform includes these products: Single Sign-On, Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication, API Access Management, Universal Directory, Lifecycle Management, Advanced Server Access and Access Gateway. 

Single Sign-On

Reliable single sign-on service that integrates with all your web and mobile apps. An SSO application with a full-featured federation engine and flexible access policy. Enables users to navigate directly to an app and use cloud-based single sign on through Okta.

Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication

Secure multi-factor authentication solution because 80% of security breaches involve compromised passwords. It is a multi-factor authentication solution for employees, partners, and customers accessing apps, systems, and devices. Admins can implement multi-factor authentication easily, without impacting end user productivity.

Universal Directory

One place to manage all your users, groups and devices, mastered in Okta or from any number of sources. Okta's Universal Directory allows you to store an unlimited amount of users and attributes from applications and sources like AD or HR systems. Any type of attributes are supported including linked-objects, sensitive attributes, and pre-defined lists. All of it accessible by all apps in our OIN catalog, over LDAP or via API.

Lifecycle Management

Sophisticated control of identities across lifecycle states with automation through rules, policies, workflows, and APIs for full customization. Automate all lifecycles with any business process for external and internal users.

API Access Management

Your custom apps are increasingly modern with an API backend. Secure enterprise data and enable developers to focus on the user experience. Easily configure access policies and authorization to API resources.

Advanced Server Access

Zero Trust identity & access management for cloud native infrastructure. Extend secure privileged access and automate the lifecycle of server accounts and policies across dynamic fleets of infrastructure at any scale. Designed for elastic cloud infrastructure: Unified identity and centralized access controls across any hybrid or multi-cloud environment. Secure server access across any clou. Okta provides a central control plane as a SaaS for controlling access to Linux and Windows servers across AWS, GCP, Azure, or on-premises, abstracting the complexities of managing IAM at scale.

Access Gateway

Secure access to on-prem apps and protect your hybrid cloud–without changing how your apps work today.


Integration with Yubico

High-assurance authentication for organizations of any size or complexity.  

The Challenge

  • Credential phishing is a common way that attackers steal usernames and passwords to gain unauthorized access to your data.
  • Passwords alone are not enough to secure your data – additional factors provide stronger identity assurance.
  • Highly privileged roles such as IT administrators and executives need higher levels of security.
  • Many organizations need to incorporate an additional security factor without requiring a mobile device.

The Solution: Okta + Yubico

Okta and Yubico make strong authentication easy. They prevent and mitigate credential compromises and securely and easily authenticate with the YubiKey to Okta to access any enterprise application. Its main features are: 

  • High-assurance authentication provided by the combination of the YubiKey Universal Second Factor (U2F) based security token and Okta Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) policy framework.
  • Strongest level of defense against phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks, while also delivering a simple and seamless user experience.
  • Intelligent policies based on login context, like user, device, location, and network information.
  • Okta and Yubico work together to make it simple for individuals teams and whole companies to incorporate strong authentication, no matter their device policy.
  • Autenticación sólida y resistente al phishing incluso para roles privilegiados. Proteja a todos los usuarios, incluso administradores y ejecutivos con acceso elevado a datos confidenciales, con un dispositivo físico dedicado como segundo factor.
  • Seguridad mejorada a través de U2F . Capa adicional de seguridad para todos los niveles de la organización mediante la adición de una sólida protección basada en hardware y funciones táctiles integradas del factor YubiKey a la solución Adaptive MFA de Okta.
  • MFA cuando un dispositivo móvil no es una opción . La combinación de Okta+YubiKey brinda autenticación de alta seguridad incluso para usuarios que no tienen acceso o privilegios para usar dispositivos móviles en el trabajo.


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