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Company: Claroty

Solution: Visibility, detection and prevention of IoT devices in medical environments

Locations: Nueva York (HQ), San Diego and Tel Aviv

Cofounder and CEO: Jonathan Langer

Medigate by Claroty is revolutionizing device security and management for the Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare. Their mission is to protect every clinical network from cyberattacks. Security made simple: 

  • Gain complete visibility into traffic & devices: Get a complete picture of all the medical and Internet of Things (IoT) devices conneting to your network – know exactly where everything is at all times.
  • Detect and prevent against potential threats: Identify potential security risks and ensure an appropriate response to maintain the integrity and privacy of your network.
  • Make your environment more efficient & secure: Use a single pane of glass to automate device inventories and simplify clinical-based policy enforcement and micro-segmentation.

Medigate products

Medigate Platform

Medical devices present a unique challenge for IT security, as seamless patching is not possible due to the technical difficulty and high costs of staying current. These challenges are exacerbated by complex regulations, which have been implemented with patient safety in mind due to the mission critical nature of these devices. An unintended consequence of these regulations, however, is that device software cannot be readily updated as new threats to their embedded systems are identified, making medical equipment even more vulnerable to a data breach. Medigate is the first and only platform dedicated to solving this problem with unique capabilities designed specifically for the healthcare industry:

  • Automated medical device discovery and identification explores and maps all network-connected medical devices and fingerprints each make and model; this provides complete visibility and the capability to distinguish between legitimate and unauthorized devices
  • Analysis of unique medical device communication protocols combines network monitoring through the security platform, advanced deep packet inspection (DPI) and an understanding of industry-specific protocols like Dicom and HL7 to detect anomalies that are likely to represent malware and intrusion attempts, with a low level of false positives
  • Automated prevention of attacks preemptively blocks malicious malware through automated micro-segmentation capabilities enforced by the platform through the real-time blocking of data

With Medigate, medical providers can now create an impenetrable line of defense between endpoints, ensuring secure and connected care with decreased risk of breach in the reality of today’s widespread pandemic cybersecurity threat.


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